Live Sale
Join us every Sunday at 7:00pm (Eastern Time)
Our Lives are a fun way to get a first look at our new stock, learn all about healing properties of our crystals, see and purchase items in real time, have your questions answered, and connect with us... all within the comfort of your own home.
How to Access the Live Sale:
- Open the Instagram app on your phone or tablet during our Live Sale hours, and navigate to our Profile @canadiancrystalqueens
- Tap on our Crystal Queen Logo (profile pic) and the Live Sale will open automatically
How to Participate:
- Items will be shown one at a time, unless otherwise specified. If you'd like to purchase the item, comment the claim word, example: "CCQ15G" . You MUST include the price (and letter if applicable) in your claim, or it will not count. This will help to avoid confusion due to the 10-second delay on my end.
- The first claim on OUR screen gets the item. Please note: the first claim on your screen may not be accurate as IG gives preference to your own account. We can only go with what we see and am not responsible for attempted claims that are eaten by Instagram. Please do not claim items that have not been shown yet.
- IG occasionally glitches and may think you're a bot and thus hide or "eat" your comment. If your comments or claims are not coming through, actively participating in the conversation, and including emojis, full sentences, or the words "Don't Block" as you claim can help rectify the situation.
- Claiming a crystal during the Live Sale is committing to purchasing it. Please make sure you truly want it, and can afford it BEFORE claiming.
- WE DO NOT ALLOW PUT BACKS as it is unfair to us and the other participants of the sale who may have wanted that item but selected another instead.
How to Pay for Your Crystals:
- If you are a new customer, we will DM you for your email address, and will then send your invoice directly to the provided email. You are welcome to send us your email address immediately after the sale to ensure prompt invoicing.
- While our invoicing system does not allow you to add further items to cart, we are happy to bundle any concurrent website orders with Live Sale orders. Any shipping overages will be refunded.
- Payment is due within 48hrs. Please DO NOT abuse this, make us chase you, or push our boundaries. Lack of payment, late payments, and lack of communication can result in being blocked and reported to a Black List shared by all other crystal Live Sellers.
Helpful Advice for the Lives:
- Instagram sometimes blocks comments during a Live if it thinks you might be a bot. Try adding some emojis, use complete sentences or include the phrase “Don’t Block Me Instagram” with your claim if you think you’re being blocked. Participating in the conversation also helps IG recognize you as human.
- Live Sales can be exciting, but sometimes it’s hard to remember exactly what you claimed. I recommend screen capturing or keeping some paper and a pen nearby to jot down your claims.
- If you have a weak internet connection, you may experience a lag. Exiting and reopening the app usually helps with this issue.
- Most importantly: Have Fun! We cherish our Live Sales as a place to connect, learn, and to share our mutual passion for crystals. Let’s be respectful, kind, open-minded, and curious! Every crystal goes to the person for which it is meant.