African Bloodstone is perfect for removing energy blockages and providing protection from...
Agate soothes and calms, healing inner anger or tension. It can bring...
Amazonite is a wonderful healer for the emotional body. It soothes trauma...
Amethyst is a powerful and protective stone. It is a natural tranquilizer,...
Angelite improves spirituality and spiritual awareness. It provides a very calming and...
Apophyllite is from Pune, India. It is excellent for stimulating metaphysical abilities,...
Apophyllite and Chalcedony is from Pune, India. It is excellent for stimulating...
Apophyllite and Stilbite is from Pune, India. It is excellent for stimulating metaphysical...
Aragonite is an excellent earth-healer and grounding stone. It transforms geopathic stress....
Astrophyllite is an excellent stone for promoting out-of-body experiences. It introduces you...
Powerful, with an intense energy resulting from the alchemical process that bonds...
Brazilian Auralite is a variation of Auralite 23. It is known for...
Aurichalcite helps encourage inner harmony and personal freedom They are known as a stone...
Azurite has been used to guide psychic development and increase metaphysical powers....
Bismuth is an element that stimulates energy, vitality and can help you...
Black Obsidian removes disorder from the body and powerfully draws off negativity...
Black Tourmaline is the most effective blocker of curses, psychic attack, and...